Driving voters to polls and ballot dropoffs


We’re a grassroots movement operating in Pennsylvania, ensuring that Americans can exercise their right to vote


For a voter:

1. Request a ride using the "Request a Ride” button below or by calling 267-500-1300.

2. We will match you with a volunteer driver or coordinate your ride for free through Uber or Lyft rideshare.

3. You will be driven to your polling location at the time of your choosing.

4. Head home knowing you’ve done your civic duty!



For a volunteer driver:

1. Join the DYB volunteer Slack community.

2. Decide whether you’d like to drive or coordinate rides for others.

3. Drivers will be asked to submit documentation for safety screening.

4. Coordinate rides through Uber/Lyft or sign up to drive them yourself

5. Feel good knowing you’ve helped others exercise their right to vote!


Health & safety precautions


Our goal is to serve the members of our community who may not have many options for comfortable, safe, and affordable transportation to polling locations and drop boxes. Many of these people may be at greater risk of Covid complications, so we request that all drivers and passengers adhere to the following:

  • Wear a mask at all times

  • Have not tested positive or had close contact with someone who tested positive in the last 10 days.

  • Have not experienced covid symptoms in the last 10 days